Our Story

“Let all who are thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, out of their hearts will flow rivers of living water.”

John 7:37-38

The vision of Flow Church is anchored in the promise of Jeremiah 17:7-8, that all who trust in the Lord can thrive even in challenging circumstances, and of John 7:37-38, that all who are thirsty can find complete satisfaction in Jesus Christ. As such, we aspire to cultivate an environment where all people can flourish and, more importantly, to cultivate people who can flourish in all environments.

But beyond just experiencing God’s goodness and grace, as wonderful as that is, we take seriously the call to express that amazing grace, and to re-present Jesus in and to the world. The Church was never meant to be a place or program, but a movement and community that follows the Spirit of God in every sphere and season of life.

We believe that connected with the Source and End of all things, the thirsty can become rivers, the blind become lights, sinners become sons and daughters, all come home.

What We Believe

Proudly Pentecostal, but with a great love and appreciation for the global Church, we hold to the historic teachings of Christian orthodoxy as articulated in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, and align with the beliefs of our local movement, the Australian Christian Churches.

Lead Pastor – Sam Lim

A recent graduate of Fuller Seminary (MAT, 2020) and serving for many years as a young adults and campus pastor at Neuma Church (formerly Bridge Church), Sam is now pursuing God’s call to plant a church in the city of Melbourne. Born in Malaysia and raised in Singapore, he has called Australia home for over 15 years, having lived at various times in Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Along the way, he has picked up a law degree he no longer uses and a coffee habit he cannot kick! Most of all Sam loves God, people and the Church.